Hi Guys.Hapy to meet you with an healthy article.Medicine is a field which has grown to a greatest level in this modern era.It has many areas such as mbbs,bds, physiotherapist,pharmacy etc.Pharmacy tech is a field which deals with the medicine prescribed for patients.Here s a site which assist in medical career training.A pharmacy technician assists licensed pharmacists, either in retail or mail-order pharmacies, or in hospitals.These technicians will receive prescription requests/refills from patients, as well as prescriptions sent from doctor's offices.
Pharmacy technician salary in 2002 were $10.70.Depending on the work environment these wages may vary.Some of the major schools available for training are Remington College Mobile - Pharmacy Technician,Virginia College Birmingham, Huntsville, Mobile - Pharmacy Technician etc.If you are interested in medicine here s a right place to start.Hurry up guys.Bye